If using the Gel Pads, follow the same as above. To switch on the device, slide the top switch to the right and each position is indicated at the top of the zapper. A 4 position slide switch is installed at the output end of the unit and is for On/Off and the 3 frequencies. It can be switched to 15Hz, 528Hz and 30Khz

It is supplied with Copper Hand Holds or Gel Pads.
If you have the Gel Pads, these can be placed on a shoulder whilst sitting or even driving. They can also be worn around the waistband, where the shirt tucks in. However make sure it can be easily removed to another location if it starts to tingle strongly.
If the unit does start to tingle strongly after a few minutes you will need to move the Pads to a different location quickly, it does this when the body is too acidic. If you do not move it, you may get small burn marks on the skin directly where the contacts have been placed (we cannot be held responsible for this).
The acid in the bloodstream has evidently collected under the ground or earth pad and creates slightly more amperage through the skin from the positive pad. So by moving the pads it will keep the acid moving. Some have stated that the acid in the body is mainly excreted by pathogenic organisms (parasites: fungi, viruses, bacteria, worms) therefore when you kill these organisms with the zapper the skin is no longer acidic.
All the bad bacteria in the body are evidently killed within the first few minutes. Zappers appear to encourage the growth of good bacteria. Viruses that are free in the blood and other fluids are also killed quickly but to entirely rid the body of a virus one needs to zap at least three weeks, since viruses hide inside cells and are only exposed to the electric current from a zapper when they emerge to replicate in the blood and other fluids.
It is also good to alternate the frequencies, so that one time you use 15Hz and then another time use 30Khz and so on. Three weeks is the life cycle of any virus. Fungi may take days, weeks, or months to eradicate since they often exist in layers. Worms in the organs seem to be destroyed the first day but worms in the intestines may take up to a week of constant zapping to be rid of them. The LEDS will show these colours for each frequency.
It would seem that the only places on the body where you will never get the tingling is on the palms and soles, so you may like to try that. Zapping at night is a nice boost for the body’s restorative/repair functions as well.
Our Zappers are fairly small and can be taken with you in a handbag or pocket. This model has a belt clip, allowing it to be worn on a belt. Therefore you can Zap virtually anywhere, at an office desk, or when driving or just walking around the home.

When using a Zapper of any type, we suggest that it is not used for many hours in succession as the dead parasites, bacteria and other contaminates within the body can pollute the blood stream. It is best to take in conjunction with the herbs Doctor Hulda Clark recommended Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood Tinctures and Cloves. Zapping often promotes a Herxheimers reaction, so take note of this reaction and stop zapping and drink plenty of water.
Plenty of clean filtered, distilled or preferably ozonized water should be consumed to help flush the toxins out of the body. We do not suggest how much water to drink, however have a glass or bottle handy at all times. Keep hydrated and put some Himalayan salt into the water before drinking.
It has also been suggested that if a person uses a Zapper for 14 days, then they should have a break for 14 days. Everyone is different and so we do not make hard and fast rules about this. We would say listen to your body and act accordingly, it is your health and you need to experiment and find out what suits you.
Excessive anything is not good, so do all things in moderation.
All Zapper enquiries to zappertek@yahoo.com