How Can Dr Hulda Clark Zappers Help You?
Dr Hulda Clark cared a lot about peoples health, so much that she put her own safety and reputation on the line, in order to reveal many techniques for treating serious health conditions. We were drawn into Natural Therapies, because of Christine's own health* and adopted many of Dr Hulda's techniques back in the 1990s.
Many people are suffering from things that are very difficult to detect using normal blood tests and other methods. Millions are sick and tired of being 'fobbed off' by Doctors who just tell their patients to just live with it, or it is not curable, just take the Pain Killers and so on.....
Our health is all about getting the balance right within our Eco system and Dr Hulda Clark's Program is excellent for helping achieve that goal. We supply all of the products available on this site from the United Kingdom and send them to many Countries.
Many Practitioners use the Syncrometer Dr Hulda developed to detect parasitic invaders within the body. This device can be used by anyone who can develop the skill to use it....there are YouTube Video's that explain and show how it is done.
Christine’s Own Health Successes
*David and I have been in the Complementary Medicine profession for the past 33 years and it has totally changed our lives, as I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression back in the 1970s. Thankfully Natural methods and regular Zapping has helped us both. I am now 70 years old and live in England now after we spent nearly 10 years in Cyprus.
The System that I use is widely practiced in Germany and that is where David and I did some of our training.
Christine Barker-Hall BSc (Hons), MBRCP, MD.Med.H, D.Hom, Cert. EAV
Also Below is a link to an article David wrote back in 1998 about Light and its application in acupuncture. You will notice that I am being treated with the laser machine by David.
***Dr Hulda Clark Zappers***
Because the Dr Hulda Clark Zapper is NOT a recognised
official medical device, we cannot supply our units for Medical Use, they can
only be used for experimentation
Therefore we bring to your attention that our small electronic
units are 'Offset Square Wave' frequency generators that
are based on the same designs that are used by 100,000's of
people Worldwide for the elimination of parasites, bacteria and
virus and that Dr Hulda Clark used in her Clinic.