Black Walnut Hull is one of the Herbs that Dr Hulda Clark recommended to take in order to kill the various bacteria, parasites including nematodes (worms) within the liver and gut.
Black Walnut Hull 500 ml
Therefore we supply pharmaceutical quality Herbal Tinctures for the Dr Hulda Clark Parasite cleanse protocol she recommended in her many books.
We also supply Black Walnut Hull and Cloves Tinctures. We prefer to supply Cloves as tincture, rather than capsules.
Black Walnut Hull is often used with Wormwood and is generally used to eliminate intestinal worms and was a favorite herb used by Dr Hulda Clark to kill off parasites within the body.
Dr Hulda Clark recommended using this herbal tincture in the traditional use of Black Walnut Hulls which has been to expel various types of worms and parasites, such as the bacteria Helicobacter (H.Pylori). It is also used for its anti-fungal properties and that is why it is often used for Candidiasis which is an overgrowth of fungus a cause of many fungal disorders, which manifest as Thrush, Athletes foot an many other yeast infections. A study conducted at the University of Mississippi in the 1990s showed it was just as effective, if not more effective, as it was to use commercial antifungal preparations.
Intestinal Candidiasis is an overgrowth of the Candida fungus, which often weakens the epithelial walls of the intestines and can release toxins into the bloodstream. This is often called leaky gut syndrome This plays havoc with the immune system and can manifest in a various ways and can lead to medical diagnosis of various labels such as diverticular disease, or irritable bowel and often baffling conditions that can be very difficult to diagnose.
The hulls of the Black Walnut are a very powerfully anti-fungal, making them a potential Candida killer that may be even more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts. The active ingredient, juglone, has been shown in studies to have an anti-fungal activity and it can also prevent Candida from growing and spreading due to its inhibitory effect on enzymes in the yeast that are needed for metabolic function.
Digestive Health
Apart from expelling nasty parasites, fungus and bacteria that can interfere with digestion, Black Walnut Hulls promote healthy digestion and gastrointestinal health. They encourage bowel regularity due to their gentle laxative effect and promote healthy bile flow.
The hull of the Black Walnut is said to tone and heal inflamed intestinal tissue, as well as improving the environment of the digestive tract for more effective assimilation and elimination. It is for this reason that Black Walnut is unusually considered a treatment for both constipation and diarrhoea.
It is also effective against Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) a bacteria that is responsible for the majority of ulcers that occur in the stomach. This bacteria is very serious as it has tentacles like a squid or octopus and buries itself into the soft tissues of the epithelial lining of the stomach and entire GI tract. In some cases it can even cause Rheumatoid arthritis by getting into the synovial fluid of our many joints throughout our skeletal system.
We are now supplying high quality Black Walnut Hull Tincture in 500 ml professional herbal bottles.
Parasites are never a good thing, but thankfully they are treatable with natural remedies. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), black walnut (Juglans nigra), and clove (Syzygium aromaticum) are commonly used together to kill off a parasitic infection. Its said that when these three are taken at the same time, together they are able to break the parasites life cycle.
Wormwood 500 ml
Wormwood has been used for various digestion problems such as loss of appetite, stomach disorders, gall bladder disease and intestinal spasms. Wormwood has also used to treat fever, liver disorders, depression, muscle pain, memory loss and worm infections. It has also been used to increase sexual desire and used as a tonic and to stimulate sweating. Wormwood has also been used for a kidney disorder called nephropathy. Dr Hulda Clark mentioned this herb as one for detoxing the Liver along with Black Walnut Hull.
Wormwood has also been used for digestive conditions to increase sexual desire, and to stimulate the imagination.
Wormwood is used in some alcoholic beverages. Vermouth wines, use the herb as a wine beverage flavoured with extracts of wormwood. Absinthe is another well-known alcoholic beverage made with wormwood.
No claims are made regarding the efficiency of herbal tinctures.
This is the combination that Dr Hulda Clark recommended.