The type of parasite living in humans
By blasting these organisms regularly, many people found relief from a wide variety of chronic and acute conditions within days, or sometimes even within minutes of electronic current being administered. Amazingly; Dr. Hulda Clark noted that these frequencies would not harm healthy human tissue or the beneficial bacteria and flora within the gastro-intestinal system. Her Protocol for zapping was to hold a Copper Bar in each hand and turn the zapper on and zap for 7 Minutes and then switch it off for 20 Minutes, then zap for another 7 Minutes and then another 20 Minute break and then a final 7 Minutes of zapping. So a total of 21 Minutes zapping time and 2 times 20 minute breaks. 7 Minutes On, then 20 Minutes off was her system.
Our super ZOMATRON Zappers closely follow the circuitry recommendations established by Dr. Clark. However as electronic design moves forward, a number of improvements and advances are made over the years by researchers and incorporated into our latest designs.
It is the Positive Offset Square Wave that is the important part of the Zapper design technique that Dr Hulda Clark developed.

Results show 100% positive offset, is slightly above 0 point. The frequency is 30 KHz, Our Zappers have a 1% tolerance, because we use High Quality resistors which are much better quality. Some use inferior resistors that are only 5% tolerance.
Here is an extract from Dr Hulda's writings.
Are parasites in all of us?
Some literature suggests that it is beneficial to have parasites in the body because they should help the immune system work well.
But is this view well founded?
Dr. Clark, the world’s no. 1 authority on parasites and how they act in the human body, said that having parasites is normal. WHAT IS NOT NORMAL is when the parasites go through their whole life cycle inside us, in other words laying their eggs, which then become larvae and then becoming adults, just to lay eggs again. The adult stages also produce waste which the, host“ (our body) must handle. These stages are referred to as "parasitism".
While our body is large enough to provide food and shelter to these parasites they are also "nutrient suckers" and feed off the same nutrients we need to survive.
This link defines parasitism as a condition in which an organism (the parasite) damages its host or in some way and lives at the expense of the host. In fact, the definition of the word "parasite" in Greek means "para" = near and "sitos" = food… therefore literally: those who feed off another.
The article above explains how parasites affect millions of people around the globe and that millions of people die each year from parasitic diseases, with most deaths from malaria and parasitic protozoa.
As Dr. Clark wrote in her book “The Cure for all Diseases”: “If they were visible on the outside of our body, as lice or ticks are, we would do our best to get rid of them in a flash. Nothing is more disgusting than imagining hordes of creatures that crawl on our bodies while they chew and suck our flesh. Since we can not see them inside our body, we mistakenly deduce that they are not there.“
The link above shows a list of parasites, their estimated infections, deaths per year in addition to symptoms or diseases that can cause. See list here below:
Parasite | Estimated infections | Death per year | Symptoms or diseases connected |
Ascaris | 531 million | 3000 | Round worm most prevalent in humans. It causes many symptoms and diseases |
Schistosoma | 200 million | 14,000 | It affects the mesenteric veins of the intestine and bladder |
Necator/ancylostoma | 194 million | 7,000 | Anaemia |
Filaria | 657 million | 20’000-50’000 | Dirofilaria: goes to the heart and chest |
Enterobius | 200 million | raro | Anal itching |
Strongyloides | Auto infection | ||
Trichinella | Goes in the muscles | ||
Plasmodium | 300-500 million | 1-3 million | Malaria |
Leishmania | 12 million | 57’000 | Hepatosplenomegaly |
Onchocerca | 18 million | 270,000 (blind) | Blindness |
Trypanosoma brucei | 450’000 | 66’000 | Sleeping sickness |
Trypanosoma truzi | 18 million | 50’000 | Chagas |
Entamoaeba histolytica | Dysentery and liver abscesses | ||
Giardia lamblia | Diarrhea | ||
Tricomonas vaginalis | Inflammation of the reproductive organs | ||
Toxoplasma gondii | Muscle pains | ||
Pneumocystis carinii | Cellular pneumonia | ||
Cryptosporidium parvum | Diarrhea | ||
Fasciola hepatica | It lives in the biliary tract of the liver, preventing its proper functioning | ||
Clonorchis | As above |
From the symptoms / diseases mentioned above, you can conclude that having parasites is not a good thing and much less should they be considered beneficial for the body and the immune system.
There are many other symptoms that parasites can cause ..you can find all the symptoms on the internet.
Dr. Clark connected a certain type of parasite to a specific disease. For example, eczema is connected to ascaris. Ascaris are also connected to Epileptic seizures. Schizophrenia and depression can be related to the presence of parasites in the brain. Asthma is linked to ascaris in the lungs. Diabetes is linked to Eurytrema pancreaticum, headaches to Strongyloides . The acne rosacea from Leishmania and many diseases of the human heart are connected to the dog heartworm, Dirofilaria. And the list goes on.
There are 3 food supplements that remove more than 100 species of parasites without adverse (suggest adverse this since there will be a certain amount of detox“) side effects. This is good news since it would be impossible to get rid of all these parasites using only conventional medicines. The latter can kill only one or two parasites each. These medicines also have many contra-indications --the small print no one can read on the prescription insert. For example, there is an antiparasitic drug in common use worldwide named Flagyl, used for amoebae and Giardia, it gives nausea, headache, a metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, dark urine, and burning of the urethra. It rarely happens but it could also give encephalitis, pseudo-membranous colitis, ataxia, leukopenia and pancreatitis. Perhaps it would be better to keep the parasites!
Cloves for Intestinal Parasites
Wormwood Tincture Black Walnut Hull
We supply the tinctures she recommended such as Black Walnut Hull (Juglans Nigra) along with Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) and these should be used with Cloves together. As separate ingredients they kill at least 100 species of parasites in ALL THEIR STAGES without adverse side effects.